
Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

Hello, I'm Shondelle, but you can simply call me "Coach." My adventure in the fitness world began after I graduated from Columbia University in the late '90s. It didn't stop there; I continued my education and earned a master's degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami in 2003. In 2006, I opened a boutique training studio, Synergize Weight Loss. It was a special place. In 2011, after discovering CrossFit, Synergize evolved into CrossFit 954. For 17 amazing years, I had the privilege of guiding thousands of men and women on transformative journeys, blending functional training, clean eating, and a strong sense of community. Fast forward to September 2023 when I made a bold decision. I closed the doors of my gym to embark on a new adventure, focusing on online coaching tailored specifically to perimenopausal women. Why the change? I wanted to make a more significant impact, and I realized I could reach more women in a virtual environment. My mission? To help women navigate the hormonal hurricane that can wreak havoc on their bodies, health, energy, and confidence. In simple terms, I'm here to help women aged 40 and beyond regain their sexy and swag! My approach to transformation is as dynamic as it is effective. I believe in SYNERGY, where five essential pillars—Mindset, Nutrition (with a special focus on fasting protocols), Training, Recovery, and Self-Care—interlock to create a solid foundation. If any of these elements are missing, the transformation is incomplete. You won't find quick fixes or empty promises here. I'm all about practical, balanced approaches that stand the test of time. Sustainability is the key, not overnight miracles. If that's what you're seeking, I'm not your coach. Beyond my professional journey, I wear another crucial hat, and it's undoubtedly the most fulfilling one – that of a proud mother to two teenagers, ages 15 and 19. If you're truly ready to transform your life, I'm here to guide you, and I'm excited about the journey ahead.

The 6 Pillars of the 'Shondelle Transforms' Coaching Program:


Without the right mental attitude, even the best nutrition and fitness plans can't navigate the challenges. Mindset is the cornerstone of transformation because it's like the compass guiding your health journey. Your mindset shapes your thoughts, beliefs, decisions, actions and habits. A positive, growth-oriented mindset empowers you to overcome obstacles and stay committed to long-term change.

Clean Nutrition

Clean nutrition is the premium fuel for your body's engine. It provides the necessary nutrients and energy to thrive. Thhe foundation of our nutritional proticols for fat loss and optimal health and wellness is fasting. There is a LOT of misinformation about fasting, but if more people understood its power and effectiveness, many more people would make it their lifestyle.


Self-care is like putting on your oxygen mask first in a turbulent flight. You have to secure your well-being before helping others. Just as the oxygen mask ensures you can breathe and assist others, self-care ensures you're strong and healthy, enabling you to be there for those who rely on you. It's your lifeline to well-being, allowing you to navigate life's journey and provide support to others.

Recovery and Rest

Recovery is the repair and rebuild shop for your body. It's where your muscles, mind, and energy get a tune-up. If you don't get proper rest you can't perform optimally and your health will inevitably decline. Prioritize quality sleep fequent down time.

Consistent Movement

Your body was designed to Move! It's not just about burning calories; it's about moving stagnant energy and keeping the systems of the body flowing. Training your body is one of the keys to unlocking your physical potential and maintaining your body's harmony.

Accountability and Support

Accountability and support are NOT optional on your transformation journey, they are critical. They're like the GPS guiding you throughout the way Accountability keeps you on track, like that voice saying, "Turn left in 500 feet." Support is the reassuring friend in the passenger ensuring you stay the course to your destination.

Success Stories

Transformation before after
Jiny Ann Lost 50 Pounds!
Transformation before after
Lorraine got in the best shape of he life!
Transformation before after
Cindy lost 25 pounds!
Transformation before after
Transformation before after
Jen shrunk her belly fat!
Transformation before after
And so Did Olga!
Transformation before after
Meemo Lost 4 Inches in her waist!
Transformation before after
Sonia lost over 150 pounds!
Transformation before after
Gerri blasted her belly fat!
Transformation before after
Leila regained her confidence!
Transformation before after
Ana Transformed!
Transformation before after
Laurie lost 40+ pounds and has cuts in her belly!

Shondelle Solomon

Transformation Coach

Hello, I'm Shondelle, but most people simply call me "Coach." My journey in the fitness world began after I graduated from Columbia University in the late '90s. I further honed my expertise by earning a master's degree in Sports Medicine, setting the stage for a remarkable career. For 17 incredible years, I owned and operated Synergize Fitness and Performance (formerly CrossFit 954), a place where I had the privilege of guiding thousands of men and women on their transformative journeys. Together, we redefined bodies, revitalized health, and rewrote life stories through functional training and a nourishing, community-driven atmosphere. Fast forward to September 2023, when I made a bold shift. I closed the doors of my gym to embark on a new adventure, focusing on online coaching tailored specifically to perimenopausal women. My mission? To help them navigate the hormone hurricane wreaking havoc on their bodies, health, energy, and confidence. In simple terms, I'm here to help women aged 40 and beyond regain their sexy and swag! My approach to transformation is as dynamic as it is effective. I believe in synergy, where the five essential pillars—Mindset, Nutrition (with a spotlight on fasting protocols), Training, Recovery, and Self-Care—interlock to create a solid foundation. If any of these elements are missing, the transformation is incomplete. No quick fixes or empty promises here. I advocate for practical, balanced approaches that stand the test of time. Sustainability is key, not overnight miracles. In addition to my professional journey, I wear another important hat – that of a proud mother to two teenagers. Ready to transform your life? Let's connect and make magic happen! 📩🏋️‍♀️💪

Shondelle Solomon

Your Complete Solution to Transformation

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Workouts you can do Anywhere

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Clean Nutrition Plans

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Here What My Clients Have to Say...

This has been the best decision I’ve made. At first I was scared and felt so out of my comfort zone. I never thought I would survive my first session let alone 3 full months. Shondelle and encouraged me and pushed me to find my best self.

Leily Soca

Shondelle saved my life! I was overweight, my A1C, glucose and cholesterol were high. I couldn’t stand for 45 minutes at work or lift my Granddaughter. Now my labs are great, I’ve lost weight. I feel like I’m younger and have more energy and I’m definitely stronger and I feel great! Shondelle truly cares and will push you to be your best unlike regular gyms that just take your money. If a 62 year old woman can do this anyone can!

Meryl Swartz

I started training with Shondelle 15 years ago and the transformation I've seen in my body is just amazing! SHondelle is great, very professional and motivating. If you want to have fun, workout hard and achieve real results, she is the one!

Olga Zaiter

8 years ago I came back to south Florida from New York City and the first thing I did was reach out to Shondelle for a schedule to come and workout at her studio. She is a true professional who consistently has demonstrated her passion to help others get fit and stay healthy for more than a decade

Tresa Chambers

8 years ago I needed to lose weight and get in shape. I was able to achieve that with the expert guidance from Shondelle and through nutrition, mindset and exercise. I highly Shondelle. You will be challenged but you will also have the support that is needed to achieve your goals.

Laurie Cortesi

I met Shondelle 5 years ago when I was struggling to get back in shape after two back to back babies and in my 40’s. I never thought I could go back to being the athlete I once was. Well , meeting Shondelle aka coach was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. She became my morning coffee. She is strong, funny , knowledgeable, very strict (in a good way), determined and committed in your transformation even if you are in doubt. Thank you coach!

Ana Marulanda

A large part of my success this year is due to the never ending support of Coach Shondelle. While I’ve been with her for over 10 years, it took me that long to get it. She never gave up on me and always encouraged me to stay the course. She’d make contracts specific to me so that I’d stay focused. Even when they didn’t work, she didn’t give up on me. I’d gain and lose the same weight and she’d stay encouraging me. She knew I’d get it one day and I’m glad that I did. Ive lost almost 50 pounds and have gone from a size 14/16 to a size 8! Shondelle will push you to the limits and then some. She will force you to set your bar higher and you will.

Jiny Ann

Frequently Asked Questions

Shondelle Transforms is a coaching program specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by women navigating perimenopause and menopause. Our focus is on enhancing overall fitness, health, and self-confidence during this transformative stage.

Our program recognizes the hormonal changes that come with perimenopause and menopause and we provide workouts, fasting protocols, and support that are tailored to help manage symptoms and and optimize well-being during this life transition.

Absolutely! Our coaching caters to all fitness levels and acknowledges the varying starting points. We consider your experience and customize your journey, ensuring you're comfortable and challenged at the right level.

Our workouts are thoughtfully designed to address the physical changes that occur during this life stage. You can expect strength training, 'cardio', and flexibility routines that are not only effective but also accommodating to your hormonal shifts. For example, no rigorous training the week ebfore your cycle so as not to elevate cortisol which inhibits progesterone.

Fasting is a powerful tool to help create fat loss, manage weight, mood swings, and prevent disease. We provide a fasting protocol that aligns with the needs and goals of women going through this phase.

The Stages of Transformation...